Royal Ace Casino

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The Evolution of Royal Ace Casino Online: A Look at its History

The online casino industry has come a long way since its inception in the late 1990s. The rise of the internet and the proliferation of technology have transformed the way people play and gamble online, and one of the online casinos that have stood the test of time is Royal Ace Casino. Established in 2008, the casino has undergone several changes to become what it is today. In this blog post, we take a look at the history of Royal Ace Casino and its evolution over the years.

The Evolution of Royal Ace Casino Online: A Look at its History

2008-2010: The Early Years

Royal Ace Casino was launched in 2008, offering players a limited selection of games from Real Time Gaming (RTG). Despite its small game library, the casino quickly gained a reputation for its excellent customer service and fast payouts. Its early success can be attributed to its focus on providing a safe and secure gaming environment that players can trust. Royal Ace Casino also made it a priority to offer various payment options to cater to different players’ preferences.

2011-2014: Expansion and Growth

In 2011, Royal Ace Casino underwent a major overhaul, expanding its game library and introducing a mobile casino. The casino also started offering daily, weekly, and monthly promotions to attract more players. By adding more games to its portfolio, Royal Ace Casino was able to cater to a wider audience and provide more entertainment options to its players. The introduction of a mobile casino also allowed players to access their favorite games on the go, making it more convenient and accessible.

During this period, Royal Ace Casino continued to prioritize customer satisfaction by improving its customer support services. It implemented a 24/7 live chat support system to ensure that players can get assistance whenever they need it. The casino also established a loyalty program that rewards players for their continued patronage. These initiatives helped Royal Ace Casino gain a loyal following and establish itself as one of the most reputable online casinos in the industry.

2015-2018: New Ownership and Player-Focused Approach

In 2015, Royal Ace Casino was acquired by the Ace Revenue Group, a company that specializes in online gaming. Under the new ownership, the casino underwent several changes, including the addition of new games from different providers and a renewed focus on player satisfaction. The casino also introduced a VIP program that rewards loyal players with exclusive bonuses and promotions.

The new ownership also brought with it a commitment to innovation and modernization. Royal Ace Casino started offering Bitcoin as a payment option, recognizing the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies in the online gambling industry. The casino also expanded its live casino offerings, providing a more immersive and realistic gaming experience for players. These initiatives helped Royal Ace Casino stay ahead of the curve and maintain its position as one of the top online casinos.

2019-Present: Innovation and Modernization

In recent years, Royal Ace Casino has continued to evolve, embracing new technology and innovation. The casino now offers live dealer games, which allow players to experience the thrill of a real casino from the comfort of their homes. The casino has also updated its website design to make it more user-friendly and accessible to players on all devices.

To keep up with the changing times, Royal Ace Casino has also made its gaming platform available on mobile devices. Players can now access their favorite games on smartphones and tablets, making it more convenient for them to enjoy their favorite games wherever they are.


The evolution of Royal Ace Casino is a testament to the growth and advancement of the online casino industry. From its early days as a small casino with limited games, Royal Ace Casino has grown into a player-focused online casino that offers a wide range of games and innovative features. As the online casino industry continues to evolve, we can expect Royal Ace Casino to keep up with the times and provide players with the best gaming experience possible. With its commitment to innovation, customer satisfaction, and modernization, Royal Ace Casino is definitely one to watch in the online gambling industry.

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